For the Business of Writing

Websites | Marketing | Branding


For the Business of Writing

Websites | Marketing | Branding


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What is SEO and why does it matter?

In case you missed my Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Authors email series, you can read it here:

Demystifying SEO for Authors  – June 3, 2021

SEO Keywords for Authors Explained  – June 10, 2021

Blog Content Strategy - Part One – June 17, 2021

Blog Content Strategy - Part Two – June 24, 2021

Blog Content Strategy - Part Three – July 1, 2021

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Hook Readers With These 13 Email Subject Line Tips

By Heather Duff

Every good story starts with a problem. Here is ours. The Problem People who never open your email will never read your email. They’ll miss the blurb about your upcoming release, miss the link to pre-order, miss the fun giveaway. They won’t be making that recipe you sent, so they won’t be sharing a photo…

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Why Readers Open Your Emails

By Heather Duff

Last week I stumbled across a statistic. Twice. I posed it as a question in the AuthorCompany Facebook Group. (Join us if you haven’t yet!) Here’s the question: What is the #1 reason people open your email?Answer: Because it’s from YOU. According to research conducted by SuperOffice, “45% of subscribers say they are likely to…

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Blogging Tips for Fiction Writers

By Heather Duff

The world of blogging is filled with good intentions, dashed hopes, ambiguity, and a vague, unrelenting feeling that no one will care what you write (including yourself).

Or is it just me who feels that way?

Regardless of how unnerving it can be, there are several great blogging benefits for fiction writers. Benefits that make it worth the effort. Here are a several.

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